Alarm Engineering Customer Testimonials

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Customer Testimonials & Reviews

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Our customers rate us 5 Star and Best Home Security Provider each year. Check out what everyone’s been talking about!

Have you had a recent experience with an Alarm Engineering team member? There are so many ways to get your comments or referrals to us:

  • Do you Google everything? So do we! Your 5 Star Review on Google means so much to our team
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  • Call and let us know who wowed you! 410-546-2210
Read Unbiased Consumer Reviews Online at

Rated 5 Stars!“…George and Dan…they were very neat, courteous, they are great ambassadors for your company, and couldn’t have asked for a better experience.”

-Ed in Ocean View, DE

Rated 5 Stars!“I have used Alarm Engineering for just over a year now, and I have to say that between the installation, follow up, and a service call or 2, I am very, very, very impressed with the level of professionalism and quality that Ron and company provide for me and my family. Anytime I have a question, I can call and know a person will pick up the phone and I will get my answer. All of these traits provide a level of comfort and security no other company can match! Great job guys!”  

-Brian S.
